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Junior Journalism 

Want to take your students beyond the headlines? Help them understand the journalistic process? Pair any of the exercises below with any KidNuz episode and watch them make the news their own! 

The 5 W's!

As you listen, write down the "who, what, where, when, and why" of one story. Add a catchy headline and draw a picture that represents your favorite part of the story. 

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Conversation Starters

What comes to mind as you're listening? What can't you wait to tell a friend or family member about what you've learned? Let's get this conversation started!

What's Your Take?

KidNuz stories are intended to make you think. And feel! Do you agree or disagree with the news? Embrace your opinions and share them! 

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Cause and Effect

Rarely does news happen spontaneously. Usually, there's a cause.. and an effect. Pick one story and explain why something happened or the effects of an event.

What's the Problem?

Some of the best stories involve ingenuity - especially among kids! Pick your favorite story that includes a problem and a solution. 

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